Sunday, December 6, 2009

19 Day 'til Christmas

Amazing how much fun uncooked pasta and water can be.

Here are a couple pictures from this past week. Things are continuing to move along, it gets a little better each day, not to say we don't still have tough moments (days) but it is getting a bit easier. And as the picture above shows, Tessie and Haiyang are becoming better friends, of course it helps when HaiYang is in the mood to do what Tessie wants to do - haha.

HaiYang is continuing to pick up more and more words and communication has improved greatly. It is fun to hear her speak English and we can tell she is quite pleased with herself as she learns more words and phrases. She is starting to calm down some but I have a feeling she is just going to be one of those really active kids. She rarely stops moving and gets into everything although she is beginning to learn that some things are not for her to get in, it doesn't really stop her it just slows her down :-). Fortunately Lucie and Tessie are very good at letting me know when she is doing something she shouldn't. Actually Tessie is VERY good at this.

Christmas is going to be super fun, she loves all of the decorations and really enjoyed decorating the tree we put up in the dining room. Next weekend we are heading out to cut down the "family tree", I am sure she'll get a huge kick out of that. We also have an ice skating party at the PPG Rink with TRFCC (Three River Families with Children from China), I know she love all the decorations and trees there will be to see there. Now if I could just get my shopping and decorating done!