Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

We're Home!!

We finally arrived home after 37 hours of travel. Our flight was delayed 7 grueling hours in Beijing although that did work to our advantage during flight, HaiYang slept for 9+ hours!!!! Thank goodness, when she was awake she was so busy and wiggly and we were in coach on a packed plane - no room for her to move. She managed to hide Dave's hat and Lucie's glasses several rows back, thank goodness someone saw me crawling around on the ground looking, they found both under their seat.

We arrived in Newark around midnight, of course we missed our connecting flight and could not get on another plane until 6pm - we opted to rent a car and drive, we were home by 8:30am. We sort of threw my poor sister for a loop since she wasn't expecting us until 7:30pm. Olivia was here to greet us, I was so happy to see her and be home I burst into tears the minute I saw her. So did Tessie, she was crying & hugging her and saying, " I missed you" over and over, it was so sweet.

It was really cute when the girls took HaiYang to her room, she loves it, especially the play kitchen. She checked everything out and is continuing to do so by exploring every drawer, closet, cabinet, bag, purse in the house. She has found things I forgot we had, the house looks like it has been ransacked! She took to Olivia immediately and pulled her all over the house to get a better look. So funny, every picture she sees of the girls she has to call them to see it, I guess she doesn't realize that they have already seen the pictures. Who knows she probably thinks this is another hotel and we'll be moving to another soon.

On a less than positive note, she is scared of the dogs and seems to be terrified of Sydney. Such a bummer, my poor dogs are stuck in the kitchen until she learns to like them. She does show some interest by getting really close to the gate then running away. She was throwing things at them but is learning that is not allowed. She loves to throw treats at them ( not to them) and will yell at me when they are at the door to come in. If they bark, she gets really scared, which is bad because my dogs bark all the time. Yesterday she started yelling "STOP IT" when they barked, very funny. Oh and she can say Bianca and Baby, Sydney is a little harder.

She is sleeping in her bed tonight and did also last night. I read to her until she fell asleep and both nights she has needed us to go back in to get her back to sleep. It will take time, I am just happy we are out to a good start. I know she would prefer Dave put her to bed but I want her to get used to me doing it so it isn't a problem when he is traveling. She is really a Daddy's Girl.

She is eating much less than the 1st week, thank goodness, I really thought that was going to be a problem. Candy is a problem, if she sees it she wants it and will pitch a fit to get it. I made sure to hide everything I could find. She still managed to rummage through Lucie's room until she found some, I have no idea were she even found it although Lucie is a pack-rat so she probably has a stash in there somewhere. I also had to put all the crayons and markers up high, she will write on anything and keeps finding pencils even when I think I have hidden all of them. If we tell her no about doing something, she'll give the sideways look and do it really quick anyway, I honestly think she understands more than she wants us to believe.

We are all very happy to be home, it seems to be easier on our own turf. But I will say three kids are much much harder than two!!!!!!!! I know you all warned me but I had no idea!!!! I am sure it will get easier once we don't have to watch her so close, fortunately Lucie is more than happy to help keep an eye on her to keep her from destroying everything in her path and to keep her safe. We could not have done this without the girls, they have been amazing and I am so very proud of them.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Final Post

We have officially adopted HaiYang on both sides.  We went to the American Consulate this afternoon to take the oath, with about 60 other families, there were so many babies and toddlers - it was insane & frightening!!!!!  HaiYang will become a U.S. Citizen at the 1st point of entry, for us that is Newark, NJ. 

Can not wait to be back in PA, I don't even care if it is snowing!

See you soon!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Funny Sign

The signs are hysterical, this was on the Great Wall.


This was taken at the Zhengzhou zoo, I wasn't sure if I posted it earlier.



At McDonalds with Andrew and Kalib.

Group Pic

2 Days

We are leaving in 2 days!!  We depart 10am Friday morning (Thursday night US time) arrive in Pgh. 10:27 pm - Friday night from Newark.  We do have a 3 hour layover in Newark and a 2.5 hour layover in Beijing both making it a very long trip.

We have the US Consulate appointment and swearing in today and should receive HaiYang's visa today as well.

We are all anxious to get home, the girls miss the house, the dogs, their family & friends, and I think they are even missing school.  We did a pretty good job of keeping up with the homework so I am hoping they will not be too far behind.

HaiYang is doing well, we got through yesterday with only 2 major tantrums.  Unfortunately bed time is getting worse and worse with her screaming for what seems like forever, she does not want to go to bed!!!!!  I have no plan for this when we are at home either, bed time has always been little problem for us as it was. 

She does really like the girls although she is so rough with them, and she needs to learn not to hit when she wants their attention or doesn't want them to do something. I can not believe Tessie hasn't hit her back yet, maybe that is just what she needs ;-). 

We are happy that she seems to be eating less.  The 1st week she would eat and eat and eat, until we would have to get the food completely out of sight. She is still eating alot but seems to stop on her own, we still can't linger too long or she will nibble more but at least she isn't stuffing herself quite so much. She does enjoy the restaurants and the attention she gets from the waitresses, they are all so great with the kids/babies, I think HaiYang really likes having someone understand what she is saying.  When they translate for us it is usually things like, "that is pretty", "I am hungry", "look at that", I still get a kick out of her talking, it seems like she is talking so fast.  I am guessing her speech isn't terribly effected by her cleft, anyone that speaks mandarin seems to know what she is saying.  She is repeating a few words but other than our names, yummy, hi, bye and thank you she doesn't use them on her own.  She is starting to understand some of what we say to her, if i really want her to do something I try to keep it to a one or two work command, "sit down", "come", "wash hands", "no" of course we use that alot!!!!! Dave is still using the 10 or so words/phrases he learned too, I sort of gave up on that.


She loves looking at all the pictures we have taken, I'll open them on the laptop and she'll look at them for a long time, her and Lucie spent a good amount of time doing that last night.  She really likes the pictures from New Hope and called her one Nanny, "mama", she also likes the few I took at the orphanage and gets really excited at one picture of a little boy, she names everyone too. She'll yell for Tessie (teshee) or Lucie (Looshee) when we get to their pictures and sometimes will not stop until they come to see their picture.  She also likes her picture being taken (if she is in the mood) she has figured out we laugh at silly faces so we are getting alot of those, very cute.  Sorry I am not posting any of them but they keep bouncing back "undelieverable" not sure what the problem is, maybe once we get home I can post a few.  


Ok miss you all, can't wait to get home.  We'll call or e-mail if our flight changes.


Lots of Love


Monday, October 19, 2009

Another day in Guangzhou

Still a few hours to go but so far it appears we are going to survive another day.  HaiYang's TB was negative as expected, thank goodness.  One of the other families had a scare, but after the x-ray their son was also negative so we are all cleared to go, just waiting on visas and the final swearing in. 

We tried to do a little shopping at the Pearl Market, uhhh I don't think Christmas shopping will be very easy this year. HaiYang took several fits and rolled in God knows what on the floor of the shops - yuck!!  I saw a few things I would have liked to buy for gifts, sorry but just couldn't do it, we had to leave.  We went back to Shamian Island for lunch at Lucy's, they serve their version on American food, it was fine.  We did a little shopping for HaiYang there and after eating she was in a much better mood. 

It is very warm here, if I calculated correctly it was probably in the low 90's today and a bit humid.  When we returned to the hotel we decided to see what HaiYang thought of the pool - SHE LOVED IT!!  She wasn't sure for about the 1st two minutes then just loved it! She was jumping in and giggling.  Every time she jumped she would curl into a ball after I grabbed her, so funny.  One of the other little girls had goggles so HaiYang used her sunglasses for goggles, very cute.  As we expected when we had enough she had not, oh my did she have a fit!!!! She was so mad she was smacking the floor and screaming!!!  In case I haven't mentioned it a few times - she really has a temper!!! WOW!!!  I am trying to tune it out and give as little reaction as possible, hoping she outgrows it.

She really likes water, she just took another marathon bath, I think she washed her hair about 6 times and her legs about 10 times, she is really cute doing it too.  After her bath she combs and combs her hair and then calls me to dry it, she likes the hair dryer.  She is always pretty pleasant in the evening, until bed time anyway.

She is still calling me Ayi but has also started to call me Mooomeeeee although she has also called Maryann Mommy.  It's fine I am sure she just thinks I am another nanny passing through.  She mostly calls Dave BaBa, the chinese word for Daddy, he just eats it up.  She really loves Dave, which is a good thing because he has way more patients than I do. 

Sorry I haven't posted any pictures, I have tried many times but I can't get them to go through, not sure what the problem is.  I'll try again this evening.

Hope all is well at home, we miss you all!! 


Kristie, Dave, Lucie, Tessie & HaiYang  

-umm did I say we survived another day.... Tessie and HaiYang are really going at it at the moment  - pray for me!! haha.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ahhh Guangzhou!!

I never thought I would be so happy to be in Guangzhou!!!!!  Zhengzhou was a great experience (other than the hotel) and I am glad we got to see a real city here, but we had all had enough.  The air was awful and there just wasn't enough to do.  I almost cried at the airport when I saw a play set for the girls to play on.  The flight to Guangzhou went well, Jessie told HaiYang several times that she was going on a plane and had to wear a seatbelt.... she got in her seat and buckled up with no problem and fortunately she fell asleep 10 minutes in and stayed asleep the whole way.  I did forget to give her a diaper just in case, well we left a wet seat on the plane, I am sure there was a very unhappy passenger on the next flight. I was sad to leave Jessie, for one I just really liked her and I was terrified to be without a translator for HaiYang, I cried when we parted, she probably thought I was nuts.  Our new coordinator is very nice too and is help-full with the language as well.  We have learned to say a few words and listen for a few things from her so that is also helpful. 

We are at the Ch*na Hotel (Marriott Hotel) it is definitely one of the nicest hotels I have ever been in and we have a HUGE suite, so we are much more comfortable now.  We are with 2 other families from our adoption agency - we had all contacted one another prior to the trip so it was almost like meeting friends?  Anyway, both very nice families, one adopted a 10 year old boy and they have their 12 year old son with them, both nice boys.  The other family adopted a 4 year old boy and have their 6 year old daughter with them. She is a cute little girl and the girls all seem to be having fun together.


Saturday was the medical appointment, needless to say HaiYang hated it, sober at first and clinging to me, which was nice since she prefers Dave most of the time.  Once they started the exam she was just a crying mess started out scared then turned angry, it wasn't very pleasant.  She had to get 4 shots and a TB test which we go back to have read tomorrow, no bump so I think we are in the clear with that.  The clinic was on Shamian Island which is were we stayed during our past trips, it was nice to be somewhere familiar.  We spent a few hours at a park after the medical, it was good for the kids to get to run around without the fear of being run over by a car or bike!!  HaiYang was really cute at the park, there were a few little boys she really liked and seemed like she wanted to help them, we think maybe she was used to helping the little ones at Hope or the orphanage.  Tessie has also made it her job to help with the little boy from the other family. He is blind so when we are out it is easier for him to be in a stroller, Tessie always wants to push and even shared her cookies and snacks with him.  He is a really cute little guy and already making so much progress, his Mom works with the blind so he is in really good hands.


Today we went to another park, it was gorgeous and huge. The first part was just a really pretty park with trees and a boat rental area, we opted for the motor boat rather than the paddle.  HaiYang really liked it, Tessie was worried we would tip and it wasn't water you would want to fall into.  After, we came to the exercise area, it was packed! They are all over Chna, the equipment is for exercise rather than play and tons of people use it.  Lucie had to show off her monkey bar abilities and received a small applause.  There was also an amusement section, I couldn't refuse L & T again after the zoo so we agreed to do a few rides. Several in and HaiYang went crazy when she couldn't go on the bumper car with Lucie and Dave, I had to turn to Elsie for help - after the rant was over Elsie said, "oh wow she has very bad temper", no friggin kidding.  We finished off with a little craft that settled her down and made everyone happy.  On the way back I picked up lunch at McD's, yep that is correct, it is our 3rd McD's meal since we arrived here.  I know that sounds bad but it isn't easy to get a small lunch anywhere else and honestly, even I was happy to have some chx nuggets.  HaiYang loves fries with ketchup!!

This evening we went to a Cantonese Dinner with one of the other families.  It was one of those restaurants that had 50 aquariums full of every imaginable creature  - Lisa they even had frogs for you and Tessie had me take a picture to prove it, very gross.  No we didn't eat frogs, snakes, bugs, worms, alligators, turtles or any of the other things I can't name but we did have a great meal of pork, beef, veggies, rice, buns and watermelon.  HaiYang ate up a storm as usual - she loves watermelon and keeps stealing Tessie's off of her.  She is pretty well behaved at the table, aside from stealing from Tessie, which surprises me since I doubt she has been in many restaurants, and likes fussing with the chopsticks, spoons and cups.

Bed time is becoming more challenging each night, I think she figured out that there are other things happening after kids go to bed, she has really started to fight it that last few nights, just like her sisters.  Although since we have been here the girls can't seem to stay awake until 8:30, I wish that would last at home, ha, it won't.  I don't even want to think about what our new bed time ritual will be.


Well only 4 more days here and we will be on a plane, so far our flight hasn't changed, if it does we'll let everyone know. Can't wait for you to meet HaiYang.

Love and miss you all!! xoxo


Thursday, October 15, 2009


Good thing these will not pass security or I know we would have 2.

Leaving for Guangzhou

We are leaving for Guangzhou this afternoon, thank  goodness, there should be a little more to do with the kids there and hopefully better accomidations.  Yesterday went ok.  We didn't have anything official to do so Lucie asked our coordinator if we could go to the zoo.  That was interesting to say the least, nothing like the Pgh Zoo, too bad they aren't as concerned with the animals as they are with the grounds, it was very pretty but the animals were in very small cages and it smelled awful.  There was also a show, I guess something like the circus but somewhat distrubing, the girls thought it was great but they don't know any better. It was good to get out where HaiYang could run  without fear of being run over by a car.  She is really fast and like most 3 year olds thinks it is hysterical to run from us, not so funny when there is so much  traffic.  The language barrier is very difficult, we hardly know what she is saying, we have learned what she says for water or needing to use the bathroom, not too much else.  Dave has mastered a few phrases, I just can't seem to get them rite, hopefully she'll start picking up a few english word soon.  Maybe when we get home and she doesn't have a translator any more.  She is saying the girls names, yummy, I  think she may have said thank you, hi and bye.

She is going to sleep ok but falls out of bed several times each night, last night she stayed awake for a little while after falling out of bed, I though for sure she was going to be upset but she just chatted (again, no idea what she was saying) had some water and finally dozed off. At least she is willing to let me take over at bed time but she really prefers Dave. 

She is so rough, the girls are gettinng annoyed with it, she will lunge at them will full force and uses hitting to get attention.  She'll hit anyone, us included and grabs whatever she wants.  I have to keep reminding Tessie that she lived with so many children that she probably had to do those thing to get a turn with a toy or to get any kind of attention. 

Eating is really a problem, she wants to eat soooo much we have to rush the kids so we can leave the restaurant or get the food out of her site.  If she even sees any snacks or someone else eating something she thinks she should have it.  They all had an icecream at the zoo, HaiYang was done before Tessie and she all but attacked Tessie for hers, then had a meltdown because she wouldn't hand it over.  Poor Tessie,  I was wrestling with HaiYang and yelling at Tessie to eat faster!!!  Although Tessie was not about to surrender or throw it away.   I hope once we can communicate with her we can explain that there will always be plenty of food. I am afraid I'll have to put a lock on the  kitchen cabinets.

She can be really cute too, she loves the shower and took another marathon shower last night although she kept running out and falling.  She got really spunky last night and starting jumping from the beds, made me laugh thinking of my Nephew doing that, at a hotel, at about the same age.  The papers from the orphanage said she acts like the boys.  But she loves girly things, I  tried to put pants on her and she took them off immedately and grabbed a denim skirt from the day before.  Fine, if she is't crying, she can wear it every day.  She also carries her purse everywhere we go and has a pack of  tissues she likes to use when she needs a napkin or tissue.  She will go get that little pack even when we are in the room or out eating, I keep refilling it for her.

Only a week to go now, we are all more than ready to come home, I think we are all a bit homesick. Lucie is starting to feel better and her fever is gone, thank  goodness. I was worried about getting on a plane with the fever, I'll give her tylenol before we go just in case.

Well I have to pack this room and I am sure that will  take hours.  Hope all is well, thanks for the e-mails!!  It is good to hear from everyone. 


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Make the Hairstyle

"Make the hairstyle", that cracks me up - here is the hairstyle.

Survived Jiaozuo

We survived the van ride to and from Jiaozuo, HaiYang actually did pretty well although she does not sit still in the car, I can't even imagine how much she will dislike the car seat.  We visited the orphanage, outside tour only, it seemed pretty well taken care of.  We did go in the offices, typical building for the area, sparse with hard tile floors, not much to say about it.  NASTY, DIRTY toilet (squat of course) I refuse to drink if we are heading away from the hotel so I don't have to use the restrooms, Dave just laughs and give me his pity, Lucie sees it as a personal challenge and prides herself in her use of the hole in the floor.  Jenny, I'll  post a toilet picture just for you, haha.

Anyway, back to the orphanage, the lady we met with was very nice and dressed to the nines!  She was also one of the women that delievered HaiYang to us. We walked around the grounds, there was the Senior Citizens building, the baby building and a hospital used by the orphanage and the public.  The grounds we very nice and there was a big playground.  Haiyang stood back a bit even when her nannies and friends came over to her. Jessie said that is normal, the kids don't want to stay and they seem to think if they talk they may have to stay.  Very sad, a little girl came over to her and said, "mama" pointing to me then said, "I don't have a mama", I thought I would cry.  She was about the same age as HaiYang.  Several of the kids were severe, special- needs, Jessie said most of them will just spend their whole lives there, if they are capable they will be given a job.


The ride back was ok, HaiYang went through every snack we packed her then fell asleep on Dave's lap, she is really a daddy's girl.  When we returned she used the potty then stripped down to shower, so cute she uses all of the hotel bath wash and just scrubs and scrubs, washes her hair over and over, very cute!!! Tessie jumped in with her and she seemed to enjoy the company although they did fight over the shower.  After, she pulled me to the hair dryer and wanted her hair dried.  At the moment she is tearing apart the photo album we sent her when she was at New Hope, she keeps screaming "lucie" when she gets to Lucie's picture, in the last hour she has copied a few words and says them very loudly,  of course I think all the Chinese sound like the are yelling at one another.

Well we are at the 1/2 way point in the trip and I think we are all ready to come home, hopefully the next 9 days will go fast. 

My Mom asked if we are calling her Daysie, I sort of doubt that name will take, we call her HaiYang or Yang Yang (pronounced young young), that was her nick name at the orphanage. 

Ok, We love and miss you all. Hugs to my puppies please.  xoxoxo

Zhengzhou update

Hey, all is well. Our 1st few nights went rather smooth.  HaiYang is doing ok, she is pleasant most of the time although she really really has a temper!!!  She loves to eat, I honestly don't know where she puts it.  I think she was bribed with food much of the time, probably candy, she has an absolute fit if she sees candy and can't have it and will try to take treats off of the girls, this doens't sit well with Tessie :-).

Dave is still her favorite, she wants to be held by him most of the time. fortunately when he isn't holding her she is usually willing to hold our hands.  The streets are so crowded it is unbelievable, cars and motorbikes on the sidewalks, this even irritates our guide.  Our guide has been great and Lucie and Tessie really like her, she is "making a hairstyle" for Lucie right now.  She has taken us shopping, what an experience, and to local restaurants to have the real Chinese food.  Lucie and Tessie ate so many dumplings I thought they would burst!!!  They were very good, I will probably be one of the few people that come here and gain weight, we are eating alot of noodles and dumplings. there is a restaurant here that is supposed to be very famous for their noodles, of  course they are homemade too - yummy!!!!!

Today we go back to the orphanage to meet with the notary, should be interesting it's an 1.5 hours both ways, I am armed with crackers, candy, cookes and toys.  We will not go into the orphanage due to the fear of NIHI, fine with me she only spent a few weeks there so it doesn't matter if we see it.

One of the funny things that the girls can't get over is how the little ones here will squat and pee anywhere!!  Just stop in the middle of the sidewalk and pee, they all do it so it isn't a big deal but it cracks the girls up.  HaiYang had tried a few times, we grab her and run to a bathroon if we can make it.  We are using diapers as back up but so far during the day she is doing well and she really like the undies we bought her.  The bathroom situation is less than desirable at the local restaurants and stores, squat only (hole in the floor), Lucie has no problem with it, I can't manage and Tessie won't try.  Oh and I  thought Lucie would pass out at the restaurant when a server left the toilet and did't wash her hands,Lucie was horrified!!!!! I was afraid Lucie wouldn't eat,  I just had to put it out of my mind -yuck!!!!!

Ok, have to go I'll try to send more later.  Hope the pictures show up.

Day 2

Here are some pictures of our 2nd day together.  She really likes this sweater and doesn't want to take it off.

Monday, October 12, 2009

She's here!!

Sorry not to have posted any updates sooner, having trouble with both cameras and internet connections.  Well we have our girl, we met Monday morning at the Civil Affairs office.  Our meeting went much better then I could have ever expected, I am sure that is more due to Lucie, Tessie & several packs of smarties than anything else.  She was a bit shy at first but playing with the girls rather quickly.  She left with us willingly, not the screaming toddler I had imagined. She seems to be enjoying everything, the elevator in the hotel is a big deal, she probably hasn't been on one before. 

She loves bottled water, opend every bottle we have pouring one from the other and drinking drinking drinking. She also really likes to wash her hands and will do it for 10 minutes at a time and brushing her teeth as well, she must have brushed them 10 times yesterday.  She is really independent, we only had to show her the toilet once and she will  go when needed, yes this was a great surprise that she is potty trained!!  I'll have to learn what it is she says to tell our guide she needs to go.  I am terrible with everything our guide tries to teach, I just can't get the words out correctly and any little sound change makes it a completely different word. 

It is really frustrating not being able to speak the language, this city doen't have as many english speaking people and everyone is so curious about us.  Not many families have more than one child much less 2 Americans walking around with 3 - drawing attention doesn't even cover it.  And the Chinese don't mind staring at you, they'll walk directly beside us just staring - very akward.

Ok back to HaiYang, she was wearing a little outfit I sent last year with jeans and a sweatshirt over it.  They dress the kids so warm!!  I am guessing it was 60 or a little more yesterday, all of the kids were dressed for the middle of winter!  We tried to remove the jeans but when we were getting our shoes on she grabbed them and put them back on, who knows what she'll want to wear today, I am going to hide the jeans. 

HaiYang has an appetite, the nanny said to make sure to watch what she eats or she'll eat too much, we did have to take the food from her at lunch, I thought she would burst otherwise.  She does'nt have any trouble eating, drinking or talking although we don't know what she is saying, our guide said she talks very well.  It is awful to not be able to understand her so far our guide has been with us but it is going to be very difficult when we are on our own.  Although as another Hope mom told me,  she does understand some things we say and hand motions go a long way.  She was chatting up a storm last night, it was so cute!  I am not sure what she was saying but she didn't seem unhappy, even grabbed me an hugged me tightly around the neck!!!It didn't take too long for her to fall asleep, I don't think she could figure out why I wasn't leaving, she kept say bye bye.  A few times she jumped out of bed, grabbed the brush and worked on her hair a little.  She loves to brush her hair and teeth.  I was amazed when she started putting little ponytails in herself, it was so cute her tiny little hands were working so fast wrapping the hair, she ended up taking them back out  rite away.

She loves Lucie and Tessie and enjoys playing with them and of course she adores Dave, she just thinks he is sooo funny.  She really liked the back pack the girls gave her and started stuffing water in and put it on her back, they also gave her a little purse and she carried all afternoon/evening applying chapstick every so often - so cute she would give herself some, then give us some.  She is really sweet and funny, if she trips or spills something she'll give a cute little grin and giggle.  She is pretty tough too, the nannie from the orphanage said she runs around like the boys and has alot of energy -yikes I am not used to that :-).

She also has a temper and when I say temper I mean it.  She had a tantrum in the room that had Tessie's mouth hanging open and if you know Tessie she has a temper of her own so for her to be in shock.... and at the park, I have never seen anyone carry on for so long, we passed up a candy booth and she freaked.  Ok, the only reason I said no to candy was that she had been eating smarties and snacks all afternoon and I didn't want her to get sick, anyway she just went hysterical.  Dave had to carry her through the park screaming and of course the Chinese don't ignore a screaming kid like we do... they were coming up to our guide offering help or just walking with us in amazement.  Jessie (guide) said, most Chinese kids are raised by their grandparents and very spoiled, maybe we should have just bought the stinkin candy.  Ughhh, I'll be sure to have something in my bag for the next outburst.  Jessie also confimed, that most of the  kids that are lucky enought to get into the foster homes like Hope, are pretty spoiled - great.

To step back a few days, we did get to visit New Hope and I just can't say enough good things about it.  If you can't be in a regular home, that is a wonderful place to get to be.  They really believe in what they are doing and love the kids like their own.  I was so impressed with the cleanliness and organization, I can only dream for that much order in our home.  They even make all of the  kids a scrap book!  Just lovely, HaiYang was very eager to show us hers and paused for several seconds at a picture of  her with one of her nannies. Oh speaking of nannies, she has called me Ayi (nanny) several times and called the waitress Ayi as well, I thought that was rather funny, for her almost every woman she has been around is any Ayi. 

For those of you following from our agency, Jessie has been a great guide and very willing to help,  you just have to ask.  Our tour guide in Beijing was ok but left us hanging when it came to eating, we had a few unpleaseant meals but nothing too horrible.  The hotel in Beijing was great, we did have 2 adjoining rooms, they have a rule something about no more than 3 to a room. It worked out ok but our hotel here is not so great.  It is a nice hotel but not family oriented.  We have 2 rooms on oppositee sides of the floor, no tub only a shower (HaiYang was a little scared of the shower), and the beds are small, there are 2 in each room but they are somwhere between a twin and double.  Of course the girls want to be were HaiYang is so that means us 4 girls in one room and poor Dave in the other for sleeping, although i am not so sure he didn't get a good deal there ;-).  I think the problem was that there is a huge trade show here this week, so space is limited.  There is also a trade show in Guangzhou but should be ending when we arrive so hopefully our rooms will be better there. 

There is so much to tell I can't possibley fit it all in. More later.



Friday, October 9, 2009

Hello from Be*jing

Hey we made it!  The flight wasn't bad at all, the girls did great. There was plenty of entertainment on the plane, each seat had a screen with tons of movies & games to pick from.  And we surprised the girls with new ipods, loaded with their favorite songs and shows, so that really helped pass the time.

 Our 1st night was ok aside from Lucie waking up at 1:00am and talking non stop until she had all of us up.  We did the Great Wall today, it was much fun.  I am attaching a few pics from our "climb", needless to say Lucie enjoyed it much more than Tessie.  Tessie really suffered.. her legs hurts so bad, she was too tired, doesn't like the climb steps, out of breath... it went on and on - I wouldn't have expected anything less from her :-).  All it took to make her happy was to send her and Dave back down and buy a stuffed panda.  Lucie and I continued on like troopers, I am sure we'll feel it in the morning. 

On the way back we drove by Olympic Park and saw both the Birds Nest and the Water Cube.  I was really looking forward to that, but when I say we "drove by", I really mean we "drove by".  Either way they were both cool to see. 

We had a rather interesting dinner this evening.  We ventured out on the streets of Beijing alone and picked a restaurant.  Of course we picked one with no english speaking employees - yikes.  Lucky for us they had picture menus, actually it was more like a catalogue of food, all very authentic, we chose a chicken dish, noodles, rice and potstickers.  None of it was what we are used to, I don't think Lucie had 2 bites and Dave not much more.  Tessie and I, being the talented eaters we are, managed to scarf down a full meal. Not to worry that Lucie will starve, we walked into a 7-11 and she picked a drum-stick, haha.  She probably had that in the back of her mind when she refused to eat anything.

Tomorrow we are off to New Hope.   We will take tons of pictures and hopefully find out as much as we can about our girl.  Less than 4 days and she'll officially be part of our family!!

Love and miss you all,

Kristie, Dave, Lucie & Tessie


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

5 hours to go

Only 5 hours and we will be on our way. I did finish packing and managed to get everything for me, and all 3 girls in 2 suitcases & one carry on!! That is a record for me, of course we have 2 cases for Hope and one full of gifts and donations, and Dave has one too, so we are really taking quite a bit. The girls packed their backpacks, LQ's weighs 9 lbs., yes she weighed it. Tessie's isn't nearly that heavy, she was being a bit smarter knowing that I said, "you pack it you carry it", yeah right, I am sure I'll end up with them on my back before the end of the day.
Everyone is excited, nervous and maybe a little scared - say a little prayer for us please. Thx.
I'll do my best to get pictures on here, maybe after the Great Wall on Wednesday.
Ok better get ready, Lisa is coming to drive us to the airport, I would hate to make her get up so early only to wait for us to get ready, wouldn't be a 1st, she is always waiting on me ;-).
We will miss you all.
Lots of Love!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

4 Days!

Only 4 days to go!!!! Busy packing!