Thursday, October 15, 2009

Leaving for Guangzhou

We are leaving for Guangzhou this afternoon, thank  goodness, there should be a little more to do with the kids there and hopefully better accomidations.  Yesterday went ok.  We didn't have anything official to do so Lucie asked our coordinator if we could go to the zoo.  That was interesting to say the least, nothing like the Pgh Zoo, too bad they aren't as concerned with the animals as they are with the grounds, it was very pretty but the animals were in very small cages and it smelled awful.  There was also a show, I guess something like the circus but somewhat distrubing, the girls thought it was great but they don't know any better. It was good to get out where HaiYang could run  without fear of being run over by a car.  She is really fast and like most 3 year olds thinks it is hysterical to run from us, not so funny when there is so much  traffic.  The language barrier is very difficult, we hardly know what she is saying, we have learned what she says for water or needing to use the bathroom, not too much else.  Dave has mastered a few phrases, I just can't seem to get them rite, hopefully she'll start picking up a few english word soon.  Maybe when we get home and she doesn't have a translator any more.  She is saying the girls names, yummy, I  think she may have said thank you, hi and bye.

She is going to sleep ok but falls out of bed several times each night, last night she stayed awake for a little while after falling out of bed, I though for sure she was going to be upset but she just chatted (again, no idea what she was saying) had some water and finally dozed off. At least she is willing to let me take over at bed time but she really prefers Dave. 

She is so rough, the girls are gettinng annoyed with it, she will lunge at them will full force and uses hitting to get attention.  She'll hit anyone, us included and grabs whatever she wants.  I have to keep reminding Tessie that she lived with so many children that she probably had to do those thing to get a turn with a toy or to get any kind of attention. 

Eating is really a problem, she wants to eat soooo much we have to rush the kids so we can leave the restaurant or get the food out of her site.  If she even sees any snacks or someone else eating something she thinks she should have it.  They all had an icecream at the zoo, HaiYang was done before Tessie and she all but attacked Tessie for hers, then had a meltdown because she wouldn't hand it over.  Poor Tessie,  I was wrestling with HaiYang and yelling at Tessie to eat faster!!!  Although Tessie was not about to surrender or throw it away.   I hope once we can communicate with her we can explain that there will always be plenty of food. I am afraid I'll have to put a lock on the  kitchen cabinets.

She can be really cute too, she loves the shower and took another marathon shower last night although she kept running out and falling.  She got really spunky last night and starting jumping from the beds, made me laugh thinking of my Nephew doing that, at a hotel, at about the same age.  The papers from the orphanage said she acts like the boys.  But she loves girly things, I  tried to put pants on her and she took them off immedately and grabbed a denim skirt from the day before.  Fine, if she is't crying, she can wear it every day.  She also carries her purse everywhere we go and has a pack of  tissues she likes to use when she needs a napkin or tissue.  She will go get that little pack even when we are in the room or out eating, I keep refilling it for her.

Only a week to go now, we are all more than ready to come home, I think we are all a bit homesick. Lucie is starting to feel better and her fever is gone, thank  goodness. I was worried about getting on a plane with the fever, I'll give her tylenol before we go just in case.

Well I have to pack this room and I am sure that will  take hours.  Hope all is well, thanks for the e-mails!!  It is good to hear from everyone.