Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We have been home a little over a week and things are going well, most of the time, it is a big adjustment for everyone. HaiYang is understanding more each day which makes things a bit easier. She is sleeping in her own bed and usually only needs us to come in one or two times, can't complain about that. She has a really cute personality and loves to get a laugh, she is always making silly faces trying to get us to laugh at her. She also has some pretty great dance moves. She is very independent, not always such a good thing, she is into everything thing!!!!!! I had to hide as much food as I was able to and get the rest on high shelves in the fridge and pantry. If I am not watching she'll suck down juice boxes one after another, they had to go out in the garage. Maybe she isn't used to being able to eat any time of the day, I am trying to let her have snacks when she asks but keep them small, I am hoping the novelty of having so much available will wear off.
Yes we took her out for Halloween! No I didn't plan on it, I thought it would be too much but L & T were getting costumes on and she stripped down and grabbed the Minnie dress to put on. She really likes girly things so the dress was right up her ally. She did pretty well going door to door, and was thrilled to be receiving candy at each house. We went with the neighbors and all the girls had a great time running together. HaiYang had a little jealousy issue with Dave carrying our little neighbor, hopefully she'll get over that too, she is pretty possessive of everything.
She is saying a few more words... more, thank you, please, pumpkin, NO, milk and she remembers every ones names which is great. She still speaks to me in Chinese but I think she knows I don't know what she is saying because she is usually grinning, probably saying something she shouldn't, haha. She will also go on and on in Chinese to the play phone, it cracks me up. I feel so bad that she has so much to say and we can't understand her.
She is happy much of the time but still gets very angry when she doesn't get her way, although her tantrums don't last as long and they are not as loud. And she can really tear through the house, wow our house hasn't looked like this in years, haha, I tried to clean up but she is pulling something else out at the same time. I guess I forgot how busy toddlers are.
On that note I need to get back to the busy toddler, although Matthew is home sick so I have a little help with entertainment today, she adores both Matthew and Olivia!!!